As people grow older their healthcare needs change. From birth children will receive regular health check-ups to confirm that their growth and both physical and mental development is normal. As adult hood approaches any healthcare needs that require attention should be well known. Most adults generally have a healthy adulthood into later life if they adopt a healthy lifestyle and a well-balanced diet whilst avoiding tobacco products and excessive alcohol consumption. As adults become senior citizens there is an increasing likelihood that they will develop illnesses and reductions in mobility. This is an accepted part of reaching later life, however, regular exercise and healthy living can minimize the effects of many conditions. If you have elderly relatives or loved ones, their general level of health and wellbeing will determine the healthcare services they require. This article explains three distinct types of healthcare services that the elderly may require.

Assisted Living Facilities

Many elderly people may begin to experience reductions in mobility as they age. Muscle tone and general levels of strength can decline as a part of aging. In addition, the elderly may require access to specialist medication to combat any chronic health problems. If an elderly person has health and social needs that cannot be met by remaining in their homes but are not chronic enough to require high levels of medical care, they may be suitable candidates to move to an assisted living facility. Assisted living facilities such as those offered by organizations such as Brandywine are an ideal choice in these circumstances. Many of these premises will have amenities such as shops and hairdressers on site or in the locality along with access to health professionals as and when required. Put simply, for minor to moderate health and mobility needs in the elderly, assisted living facilities can represent the perfect choice. 

Nursing Homes

If an elderly person has more complex health needs or mobility issues that stop them moving around without the risk of injury due to falls, then a nursing home may be a better option for their circumstances. Nursing homes typically offer highly trained nursing staff who have a broad and specialized knowledge of the healthcare needs that a range of elderly patients are likely to have. In addition, they may be able to formulate bespoke care plan for their elderly patients. These care plans will consider the medication needs and health issues that the patient experiences and may include forms of rehabilitation when the patient has sustained injuries or prolonged periods of poor health. 

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Palliative Care / Hospice 

As a final option for elderly patients there are palliative care facilities or dedicated hospices. These facilities exist for patients who have extremely poor health and may be terminally ill. They strive to provide the best possible care to patients who may only have a short period of time left to live and focus on keeping the patients comfortable and pain free. Nursing staff at these establishments are highly trained in the administration of pain relief treatments and often deal with patients who have terminal illnesses such as end stage cancer or advanced degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. 

By Grace