The popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) as a natural remedy has grown rapidly in the past few years. It is now widely used to treat several conditions, including anxiety and depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy, and many more. In general, the potential benefits of using CBD are numerous. However, there are also some risks associated with it. This article covers everything that you need to know about the risks of using cbd near me and other negative effects that you must know before starting your intake.

 What are the risks of using CBD?

There are two primary risks associated with using CBD.

– The first risk is that CBD interacts with many other drugs, including other cannabis products, anti-epileptic drugs, blood thinners, and antibiotics. It is recommended to first consult a doctor and discuss your CBD intake to know if it is safe for you to use it.

– The second risk is that there is little research about the potential long-term health effects of CBD. This means that although it is considered safe to use CBD for treating certain conditions, we have no idea about its potential long-term effects on our health.

 Lack of evidence and research about CBD

The benefits of CBD are largely due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties. However, to understand how and why CBD works, we need more research and evidence. This way, we can confirm what its effects are and what they are not. While there are existing studies that examine the effects of CBD, most of them are small-scale research studies. 

They are also often funded by the manufacturers of CBD products and therefore, might not be completely unbiased. There is also a lack of long-term studies that examine the effects of CBD on the body. Most of the existing studies are only one-year long and don’t include detailed information about how the subjects’ bodies respond over a long period.

 Short-term effects of using CBD

The short-term effects of using CBD will depend on the person and the condition for which it is being used. However, most people will experience some of these common effects:

– Increased appetite: This is one of the most common effects of CBD, especially when it is used to treat nausea and vomiting. Since it helps control the appetite, CBD can also be beneficial for people who are trying to lose weight.

– Reduced anxiety: CBD is often used to treat anxiety disorders because it helps reduce the levels of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a hormone that is naturally released during stressful situations and helps the body respond to stress by secreting hormones like adrenaline.

Confirmed long-term side effects of using CBD

The long-term effects of using CBD are confirmed by very few studies as mentioned above. This means that we don’t know what they are and how they will affect the body of the users. Some of the confirmed long-term side effects of using CBD are:

– Worsened anxiety: While CBD is therapeutically beneficial for anxiety, it can sometimes worsen the condition. This can occur when you first start taking it and your body has not yet adjusted to its effects.

– Poor quality sleep: While CBD can help you sleep better, it can also lead to insomnia when taken in high doses.


CBD is a promising natural remedy that has been used to treat several conditions, including anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. The risks of using CBD are generally low and are often outweighed by the benefits. However, since there is little research about its long-term effects and interactions with other substances, it is always recommended to consult a doctor before using CBD. This way, you can discuss your health issues and find out if CBD is the right treatment for you.

By Grace